Commented "Way too much thanks to Brandon stopping our oil independence and starting war with big oil! And now with War in Europe he has jeopardized the US security by being dependent on others for oil! He shut down our pipeline and gave Russia theirs! He diminished our control and power and gave it to Russia"
Commented "Absolutely NOT! We need to use our immune system, long term masking harms our immune system, we need to live with it period!
This whole thing has been a control freak show! I live by faith NOT fear! "
Commented "It has been medically proven that long term mask usage is harmful to your immune system, which if overprotected can stop functioning correctly.
Not to mention the physiological problems they create. "
Commented "You have to take responsibility for your own actions. We do not need or want the government or business telling us what to do or not to do!"
Commented "I would NOT take an electric vehicle if you gave it to me, seriously! Electric is fine for power tools, but not a car or truck. I am against all this nonsense! "