Super Star Wars Geek, Marvel Fan, DC Fan, and lover of all thinks Geekdom! If it's Sci-Fi fantasy, I'm there. I am here on Square Offs in the hope of getting Sci-fi Geekdom fans to "Engage." So vote, discuss, and share your opinion about why you love what you love, and let's "Make it So."
Gagnon Fabien
Gagnon Fabien @Avriel96
Découvrez toutes les recettes de cuisine française et du monde. R...
Smol-Vampire @VampireDemon352
I'm a huge spider man fan and Want no way home to have all 3 spid...
Everything Nerdy
Jeff Rohr
Jeff Rohr @jeff
Chief Square Officer @SquareOffs. Welcome to The Opinion Network.
Mark Werner
Mark Werner @mark
If you're on your bike at night, please wear white
Rachel Clara Smith
Rachel Clara Smith @rikku
If you go straight long enough you'll end up where you were.
Waira @ItsWaira
I love music, sports, and everything nerdy

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