Super Star Wars Geek, Marvel Fan, DC Fan, and lover of all thinks Geekdom! If it's Sci-Fi fantasy, I'm there. I am here on Square Offs in the hope of getting Sci-fi Geekdom fans to "Engage." So vote, discuss, and share your opinion about why you love what you love, and let's "Make it So."
Commented "I am hoping it’s just for fun. MCU is going to t too unwieldy if they try to bring all of this to big screen. Too much of a good thing and all. "
Commented "This was a poignant moment that reminded me of Spock and Kirk in Wrath of Khan. Spock argued the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one. Natasha’s sacrifice was all the more nobler because she wasn’t just trying to save her friend Clint, she was saving a husband and father, a whole family. "
Commented "I predict this will be better than Falcon and Winter Soldier and nowhere close to as good as Loki. Looking forward to it and expect to be pleasantly surprised. "