Commented "Riker's awesome but got alot more to do and to become in his respective shows/movies, while Sulu on the other hand has potential I always loved the idea of Sulu and the Excelsior, also moving in a direction away from picard amd the new shows would be great "
Commented "unlike insurrection it's fun to watch even though it's because it's bad, with that being said there are a few cool ideas and memorable quotes while insurrection is just plain boring with a stupid story thematic"
Commented "616 Teenager stories were his beginning, it was always a starting point that was unique for the time but the whole point of spiderman is his evolution and adulthood is where it's at, only time I liked a newer teenage Spidey was Ultimate, but that was a reimagining of the character so it makes sense"
Commented "Tim's waay more interesting as Robin, even the origin story, Dick only got cool when he became Nightwing, his robin stuff was pretty basic and inconsequential"