Which invention would you rather receive as a gift?
The Big Head
Johnny Longtorso
Let's assume he comes with the leg and arm upgrades.
Let's assume he comes with the leg and arm upgrades.
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Jack Chaisey
This may be hard for you to understand, but there is no conspiracy. Nobody is in charge. It, it's a headless blunder operating under the illusion of a master plan. Can you grasp that? Big Brother is not watching you.
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Tony González
I'd want to mount the big head on the wall and my wife would have a fit, so Johnny it is...
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Leeann Key
I have a long torso, and it would be nice to have an action figure that is like me.
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I love Johnny Longtorso and I would have loved to have had it when I was a kid.
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I want people to see me and go "who's that guy with the biiig head?"
ReplyI think this is more of a novelty gift, that will look good on a wall, rather than my head.
Replythe big head comes complete. Johnny long torso has so many add ons.
ReplyPerfect for keeping those annoying salespeople away!
ReplyChange my name to Todd and get some Monsters for my band.
ReplyJust wanna be that guy with the big head.
ReplyThe song... the song
Replyit's a really big head!
ReplyIt's funny. Cause its...bigger than a normal sized head.
ReplyI want people to see me coming before I’m there!
ReplyI don't do much algebra, but in the off chance I needed to, it'd be handy to have the big head around.
ReplyUmmm... because? Yeah, because! That's right ummm yeah... because... n stuff. I have spoken! Pretty much. Or because bigger head means I can eat bigger cheez-its?
ReplyThough I really want Mr. Mashed Potato Head.
ReplyIf anyone ever told me in response to my grandiose plans that I've got the big head, I'd reply, "How did you know?"