Commented "Like Father like Son, both were political hacks for the party. Blackface has no meaning in Canada as a whole, so race would not even have entered his mind, such as it is."
Commented "Looks like the crew managed to get out of Dodge in the nick of time. I would say that the crew overall did not respond in the right way to save life if possible,"
Commented "Where are the Environmentalists and oh yes Al Gore. I guess not enough money for those folks and US taxpayers are not footing the bill!!!! No Trough to feed at."
Commented "Responsibility should be taught at home or else it falls to the educator or law enforcement to correct social ills. Neither one has the time or manpower to teach what should be taught in the HOME."
Commented "Once upon a time you had to verify that you had the ability to support yourself and family and not become dependant on the State Support system. That is a fact and my wife and I had to sign a legal "
Commented "Too many violent "games" and "shows" on TV and Movies that glorify the macho culture. After the fact shows that bullying was also a factor as one of the causes. This was KNOWN & reported and nothing.."
Commented "The voters at this point know in all probability that he is corrupt and act accordingly. After an expensive election they would end up with another politician on the take and have nothing to show for "
Commented "Cost to the customer will rise. Most of the previous wage increase have been passed onto the consumer and impact those on fixed income the most. Taxes will be raised to pay for employee benefits etc."