Commented "No more. Just because they are lifting the mandate doesn't mean it's permanently gone. They worked too hard to get that much control to let it go. "
Commented "Keep the tip. A service fee is no different than raising the price of the meal. Tips are to reward staff for a job well done and for incentive. A motivated employee would make a lower wage without tipping."
Commented "Do you think it would stop here? When it's full what are you going to do next? But Hey! You did something! This is NOT dealing with the problem no matter how warm your virtue signaling little heart gets."
Commented "No! Our "woke" community is turning this city into another Seattle/Portland. These people "network" with each other around the country. They know where to go for the best handouts. The vast majority of these people are NOT bendites. The handling of this has been pathetically shortsighted."
Commented "Have we lost our collective minds?? Do you really think the virus knows the difference between 3 or 6 feet? Apparently it DOES know that when you sit down to eat it's not allowed to infect others when you take off your mask. We have become a dumbed down society. "