Are you concerned about the Russian invasion of Ukraine?
President Biden has said the U.S. will not commit troops to aid Ukraine in the deadly conflict.
President Biden has said the U.S. will not commit troops to aid Ukraine in the deadly conflict.
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Lisa Gore
More concerned about the election fraud and the invasion of the fake residency at the White House here in the USA.
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Max DeYoung
15 months ago, we were selling oil for $40 a barrel. Today we are buying oil from Russia and others for $100 a barrel. Thanks to the mental midget, Joe Brandon Biden, and his astute knowledge and values. Putin financed this invasion with money from Biden's foolishness.
It's a scary time in history!
ReplyI am mostly concerned by the impotent response by the west, especially Germany. The people who write the teleprompter speeches for #LGB are right that Putin is trying to re-establish the USSR sphere of influence. Putin will not be finished with Ukraine. NATO member Baltic states will be next.
ReplyTaiwan in 30 days or less. 15 months ago it was Trump's tax records and mean tweets. Now it's borders, inflation, crime, no allies that trust the US, and a host of other problems. Thanks to Biden and his administration.
ReplyGod please step in and stop Putin