Commented "People who have tested positive for COVID and recovered have better antibodies than people who have been vaccinated.
Having antibodies should be the criteria not vaccination, but "science" does not agree.
Commented "It seems the number of shootings in Columbia, e.g. the gun battle in public areas like Wal-Mart and Hy-Vee parking lots by people previously convicted for shooting an AK in Douglas Park but not in jail, are increasing. Police need to do more.
It is not the gun's fault but the person shooting it."
Commented "Many people have previously tested positive for COVID and now naturally have antibodies that are better than the vaccine. This is the real science that is being ignored by the woke."
Commented "Liberals want people to be dependent on government handouts. Easier to buy votes that way so Liberals can stay in power and line their pockets with corruption. 10% for the Big Guy don't you know. "
Commented "Nothing is free. Should the government continue to print trillions of dollars out of thin air, destroy the value of the dollar, lose our status as the world reserve currency, and ultimately collapse our economy and standard of living? Both GOP and DEMS are leading us down this path. Buy PM: lead."
Replied "Transfering guns to criminals is already illegal. Unauthorized people even trying to buy guns is illegal, Trump inforced this law, past Dem admins have not.
Most shootings in this country are black on black, Dems are OK with this since it keeps blacks down and on the Dem plantation."
Replied "Constitutional amendments should require more than 50% of the vote to pass. Too much dark money being spent on off year elections to buy liberal policy they can't get passed in the legislature. This does NOT represent the "will of the people.""