Commented "All the recent amendments, like Medicaid expansion, are the result of out-of-state dark money interests buying socialist expansion of gov.
Able bodied working age adults should not get "free" insurance from the gov.
Totally support the GOP on this.
Commented "Look to history to see what happens when the government disarms people, many examples of mass killings follow. It CAN happen here.
When the liberals come for your guns, give them your bullets first.
If you think it is time to bury/hide your guns, it is time to use them.
Come and Take It."
Commented "SO happy crisis didn't go to waste. Over $1T of the bill had nothing to do with COVID relief to the American people but went to bailing out failed liberal states and pork to buy votes. This bill will make people more dependent on government, give us more power and control. Green new deal next :)"
Commented "Just look at Florida, censervative leader and few restrictions, versus California, liberal leader about to be removed and many restrictions. They have similar COVID stats. All the restrictions were based on junk "science" and will be mocked by future generations."
Commented "Why is healthcare different than any other product or services? Should restaurants or auto dealers cover pre-existing conditions? You go in and buy a $1 cheeseburger, but your pre-existing hunger is more than that so they should give you more food free? You can afford a cheap used car, but ..."
Replied "Isn't it interesting that as soon as the Democratic leaders feel the least threatened they build a wall around the Capitol and deploy the National Guard. But they let 10s of thousands of criminal aliens just walk into our country to kill and rape us? We should protest! Power to the People!"
Replied "The New York Times just retracted their narrative story about the Capitol Police officer being "killed by a Trump supporter throwing a fire extinguisher." Autopsy results do not support that narrative. That false narrative should be investigated too. Who killed the unarmed white woman?"
Commented "Hell Yes. Sen Josh Hawley should be the co-chair of the commission. We need to get to the truth about why the Congressional leaders, after being advised of BLM and Antifa violence, refused to increase police or use the National Guard. If these subjects are not investigated you know it is a fraud."
Commented "Just turn the question around to find the correct answer. If you paid too much in taxes should the government pay your money back? Yes. Most people know right from wrong they just have no fiscal discipline."