Commented "Typical progressive. Let's take our hard earned taxes and spend them on people not from this country while neglecting our own, and of course, they'll want more taxes next."
Commented "Why would you purposely put people that are financially stressed under more financial stress? The only people that benefit are the water companies. How dumb is that??"
Commented "Of course CO residents should be exempt. I didn't move here 42 years ago to be told I have to stand in line to hike on a trail in my backyard!"
Commented "I voted this way to say that I didn't used to vote for one party only, the candidate's views and policies were the important thing. Unfortunately the left has gone completely socialist."
Commented "No brainer. Innocent till proven guilty. Six past FBI background checks, nothing, nada, zip, zilch, zero. Typical Dem playbook, delay by whatever means, destroy whomever to achieve the goal."