Commented "I don't believe we have won, and over there we never will. Why keep killing our children? Can we continue to spend trillions of dollars with all the issues we have at home?"
Commented "Face it, Bend is not the wonderful town it used to be. It's a big city with big city issues and mind sets. It will only get worse. Next they'll want to put meters in to "pay for fixing the problem"."
Commented "Are we to assume the current level suddenly isn't adequate? Sounds like a warm, fuzzy action for someone to get their 15 minutes of fame. No doubt it would increase revenue as well."
Commented "Reasons for not building it are too stupid to ponder. Political "statement" seekers like Merkel say security can be adequate without a wall. OK smart guy...why isn't it secure??? Windbag as usual."
Commented "Lived here 42 years, never used studs. If you think you need better traction buy a good set of snow dedicated tires. If you're really worried about the condition of our roads, STOP using studs."