Commented "My 70 yr. old sister tested positive her husband never did. They both got vaccinated anyway. You will get the virus or you won't simple fact. NO MASKS!"
Commented "We are all going to die someday let's face it. Damn the masks! This virus may kill a lot more people vaccinated or not. I hope I live long enough to see those who created it go before me."
Replied "I assume the tests are not free to anyone. I assume only those who have been exposed are being tested. Of those only 4.1% are positive so in other words 95.9 percent of those exposed become infected and some of those have been vaccinated. So what the heck is all the clamor to get vaccinated about?"
Commented "I am not concerned about the Delta variant. How many variants have we had now? There have been 11 so far. I am worried about the future variant that becomes far more deadly than any so far. Will those responsible for the death of millions be held accountable?"
Commented "I realize not all US Olympians hate the US but those that do have ruined the events for many of US. If you weren't alive at the time of the 1968 Olympics when George Foreman jogged around the ring with the the American flag you can't imagine the pride we felt."
Commented "My wife and I have "RV'd" on and in everything from 650cc motorcycles to 36' motor homes. We have been in 27 states, Canada and Alaska. There is a mode for every budget. See what you can while you can because tomorrow may never come."
Commented "I heard it cost $.07 a gallon to pay someone to pump my gas. Big deal! The way gas prices fluctuate I wouldn't know the difference. If it gives someone a job I"m all for it. "
Commented "Unless you have a cough or sneezing the masks are useless. A study by a CA university said they were useless and could even cause premature death."
Commented "Oregon has plenty of opportunity to commit election fraud now. Detroit MI in 2016 was caught cheating by having more votes than registered voters. Oregon registers everyone so there will always be plenty of room for dead voters."