Commented "This virus will continue to mutate and it will kill you eventually or it won't vaccinated or not. Will we be arrested like they are in Australia? People can't even leave their homes without an approved reason. How deeply will you bow to the supreme leader?"
Commented "John F. Kennedy had the Bay of Pigs. Jimmy Carter's was the fatal failed attempt to free Iranian hostages. Now the Biden administration is responsible for the worst military disaster in decades. Trump planned to get us out without this kind of bloodshed."
Commented "In China you can be jailed for speaking out against lock downs. Many are dying because they cannot leave their homes either because of sickness or starvation. This is known because some are either brave or foolish and getting the word out."
Commented "Why are vaccinated people required to mask? Because they can get COVID! If you're scared vaccinate, mask up and shut up! The breakthrough cases are allowing the virus to mutate just like people not completing their series of antibiotics are creating drug resistant superbugs."
Commented "It was recommended that I have a procedure done but it would be foolish to try to schedule one. My brother-in-law who was vaccinated just died. He and the family requested he not be put on a ventilator. That was the first thing they did because they get more $$$."
Commented "230,103 COVID cases in Oregon and 2903 deaths. Virtually all those that died had underlying conditions. They did not die of COVID, Keep wearing masks and keep getting booster shots for the rest of your life. I am sorry some have lost loved ones. How about prosecuting those that created the virus."
Commented "I believe the administration is colluding with large companies to put small businesses out of business. They can't find workers, are overburden by regulations and the media is putting undue fear into the public. More than ever we need to support local businesses."
Commented "My generation survived mumps, chicken pox, measles, scarlet fever, polio, small pox and other diseases. Some killed or maimed for life. Life has always been full of dangers and we are stronger for it. Don't suffocate our young let them be free."