Commented "If guidelines are followed and only wraped, packaged candy is passed out, why not give our childeren this holiday. We have taken so much away and we have to stop livinging in fear."
Commented "First, let kids be kids, do NOT start indoctinating them in grade school. Especially now when everything is politically biaised.
Learn basic for a good start to life.Old fashioned 3 R's. "
Commented "Too many jobs created and depend on energy, gas and oil. The earth wil do what the earth does and we can not stop it. Might slow it down but China, India, etc will not.
Commented "Just shows that Bend is becoming like Portland and racist.BLM. LGBQT flags and apparel is fine.
The police should be able to display support on their cars.
Sad to see Bend going in this direction."
Commented "It depends on what and who decides is a hate symbol. Too many symbols, statues, etc are being banned or destroyed even if it is just a historical reinder. You can not change history and shouldn't , "
Commented "They are paid to play a game, And paid really high salaries They are athletes, not politicians and should not politicize sports.Just another example of pandering which prolongs unrest and violence.. "
Commented "Central OR is always outvoted by the west side of the Cascades. 2 very different lifestyles and opinions and only lip service by politicians is given to Central OR problems. "