Commented "Most voters don't bother to find out the truth about science and have no business voting on such crucial legislation. Most Rs don't even believe in climate change, so why should they vote on it?"
Commented "Are you freakin' kidding me?? The whole point of circles is to keep traffic moving. Meters would completely RUIN that concept!! May as well go back to stop signs. Who comes up with these dumb ideas??"
Commented "2X, not in Bend. 1st time, in ATL, goiing to a concert. Kids came up from behind and snatched purses. 2nd time, in Falls Church, VA, wallet taken from purse in grocery cart. Close your purses ladies!"
Commented "Over the past few years, I have seen quite a few bus accidents with fatalities in the news. I absolutely think school buses should have seatbelts."
Commented "A proud Dem, and always will be. Rs have sold out, no longer stand for fiscal conservatism. Budget def under T has grown to largest ever! Ds believe in facts and Rs believe in lies and fairy stories."
Commented "Love them! Mostly, because they keep traffic moving and they keep traffic moving. Also, they keep traffic moving! That is the main function of them, isn't it?"
Commented "No. Unless you're Trump. He's been having "campaign" rallies throughout his term in office. I can't see any influence that has come from them, except to boost his giant, but fragile ego."