Commented "If folks want to participate in such programs, they already can. I won't be one of them. You never know when a business may reopen - if at all. I'm not going to risk my $ investing that way. "
Commented "Are ya'll nuts? Of course not. We in CO haven't had a bad experience with Covid and no deaths only because we have been careful and social distancing. That can all be erased if we open too soon."
Commented "Yes, it inevitably will spike when we start congregating again. No way to avoid it unless and until the virus is completly eradicated...which will take much more time than is being considered."
Commented "Just did a bunch of yard work today. Still have a bit to go, but got a headstart. Felt good to get my plants that are just starting to come up clear of the dead growth from last year."
Commented "In an odd way, I feel more connected to my neighbors because we're all dealing with the same ordeal. More folks are out walking their dogs and just walking, so we see one another more frequently."
Commented "Going anywhere inside, like stores, absolutely. On the path around a lake walking the dogs, no. But people are minding the social distancing rules there, so I feel safe not wearing a mask outside."